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Any citizen of the United States who is at least 18 years of age, who may legally own a gun pursuant to NYS  regulations, and has never been convicted of a felony, may be eligible to become a member of the YCSA.  Prospective members are required to be sponsored by a member of the Association.  

Applications are available from the Secretary, the YCSA website, or another member. The applicant shall  submit the application and the annual dues to the Secretary, to be voted on at the next scheduled meeting.  Approval of new members requires a 2/3 vote of the members present. New Members and Family members are  required to sign Range Rules and Bylaws.  

Each new member shall be required to familiarize themselves with the Association Bylaws, Club House,  Ranges, and property of the YCSA with the assistance of their sponsor. Copies of the rules and regulations will  be available  

from the Club Secretary and will be posted in the club house.  

Effective January 1, 2020, as required by our insurance carrier, each new or renewing member will provide  signed Affidavit of Indemnification/Waiver to the Club. Said form will be provided to the new or renewing  member. 

Membership Types

Regular - $40 - Each Regular member is a voting member and may vote by absentee ballot for the elections of  officers.  

Family - $40 - Immediate family of a member may attend and participate in Association activities under the supervision of the member. Immediate family includes the spouse and children under the age of  18 that permanently reside with the member. Children of the member who are active duty military  are accorded "family' status. Only the paid member may attend Association meetings and have  voting privileges.  

Active Military - No Fee - Any person who meets the membership requirements and is currently active duty will be  offered a no-fee membership during their active duty status and for one year after separation from military  service to encourage their continued membership and thank them for their service.  

Seasonal- $20 - Any person who meets the regular membership requirements and is interested in a seasonal  membership from Memorial Day to Labor Day will be a non-voting member. A Seasonal Member may  attend and participate in the Association activities from Memorial Day until Labor Day, for ½ the Regular  membership dues 

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